Skincare can be totally overwhelming but it certainly shouldn't be! My skin consultations are very thorough and an important part of your skincare journey. The more you understand about your own unique skin requirements, what it needs to function well and the reasons why things may be happening the easier it is for you to reach your goals in clinic and at home.

As this process is not rushed please allow 1 hour.

We will discuss your skincare concerns, I will cleanse and assess your skin then tailor a simple plan that works within your lifestyle and budget. I will explain how your products work (either your own or products purchased from myself), how to use them and when, discuss suitable treatment options, expected outcomes, concerns etc.

Price: $80 (fully redeemable against products or services).


Gone are the days of peels that burn and destroy healthy skin tissue! We now understand that to achieve the most beautiful lasting results we must find a peeling system that eliminates unhealthy skin cells whilst leaving healthy cells functional. All peels performed at Minimal Skin do just that! I have different peels for different skin indications.

Peel treatments include:

Youth Renew – To improve the appearance of aging. This peel helps to gently resurface the skin, brighten a dull complexion, minimise the appearance of fine lines and rejuvenate the skin.

Moisture Boost – To improve the appearance of dehydration. Great for skins lacking moisture or those looking for the perfect pre-event pick me up with a bit more oomph.

Deep Cleansing – To improve the appearance of skin prone to blemishes. Will help to reduce the formation of more acne lesions and improve the discoloured marks of recently healed spots.

Bright Recovery – To improve the appearance of uneven tone. Will lift the appearance of devitalised and dull skin.

Blemish Control – To improve the appearance of blemished skin. This peel will help speed the recovery of skin with active spots.

Vibrant-C – To improve the appearance of pigmentation. This powerful peel gives a radiant glow to skin suffering the dulling effects of hormonal or sun induced pigmentation.

Timeless Peel – A vitamin A containing peel to stimulate significant cell turnover, renew the complexion, increase collagen production and protein synthesis. A truly age-defying peel.

Benefit Peel - A gentle all-purpose treatment that rejuvenates, corrects and protects with fruit enzymes, vitamins A and C. Great for all skin conditions including rosacea, hypersensitive skin, acne grades I-II and hyperpigmentation.

Price: $150 - $180


Fully customisable and designed to give the recipient a completely indulgent experience from beginning to end. The Minimal Skin Facials will address issues ranging from congestion, sensitivity, dehydration, dullness and fine lines whilst inducing a state of calm and relaxation. All facials place a strong emphasis on increasing oxygenated blood flow to the face, neck and décolletage for that fresh, awakened appearance.

Menu includes the Gua Sha Clinical Facial™ developed by myself, Larni Macgregor.

Gua Sha Clinical Facial™

Gua Sha is an ancient Chinese practice centred around the concept of Qi. Qi is referred to a lot in Chinese medicine but is essentially the idea of nourishing the body and skin with a constant flow of oxygenated nutrient rich blood. When one's Qi is stagnant a whole host of physical ailments can ensue. In western medical science this concept can easily be compared to the ailments that one experiences from immobility.

Gua Sha involves manual stimulation of the skin and underlying tissues by movements across it with a smooth edged tool. When Gua Sha is performed gently and correctly on the face the effects are profound; stagnation is shifted, fluid retention and puffiness dramatically reduced, the appearance is lifted and skin is able to function better.

Used on its own Gua Sha is incredibly powerful but when this old world therapy is craftily combined with the effects of a revolutionary modern clinical skin treatment designed to directly diffuse skin essential nutrients deep into the skin, much further than topical application can reach, we have an absolutely phenomenal rejuvenating treatment! I have developed this treatment with the idea of harnessing the best of both worlds. Very few treatments on the market will match the visible glow and long term skin health benefits of this facial.

Bespoke Restorative Facial - Relax and indulge the senses. This facial is designed to very gently brighten, exfoliate and hydrate any skin type and condition without the need for downtime. Each treatment will be tailored to your individual skin needs on the day. This includes the infusion of targeted serums and a luxurious massage.

Oxygen Recovery Facial – To help restore and repair stressed skin. This treatment will soothe and provide calming assistance to sensitised and inflamed skins. No downtime.

Vitamin Infusion Skin Therapy – A beneficial treatment for all skin types and conditions but is particularly important for devitalised or sensitised skins that are not suitable for some of the more intensive therapies. Great benefits can be seen from accelerated nutrition delivered to deeper levels of the skin. It is here targeted cells are able to utilise certain nutrients to generate greater skin resilience and strength.

Prices: From $160


By utilising advanced techniques thousands of controlled tiny pin pricks are made in the skin to stimulate a powerful chain reaction of repair and regeneration. Done correctly skin needling will effectively address concerns with acne scarring, wrinkles, enlarged pores, aging skin, pigmentation and more. Both an electronic needling device (Dermapen4) and medical dermal rollers (Environ) are used to help achieve unparalleled results!

Price: From $250 (includes neck and décolletage)

Body Needling (POA)


Light Therapy works by utilising Light Emitting Diodes (LED). This technology deeply stimulates your body’s own natural healing systems, accelerating the replenishment and repair of collagen and elastin to restore a more soothed and youthful appearance. In simple terms, it puts the “energy” back into your skin cells to kick-start your natural rejuvenation processes. Excellent for rosacea, eczema and psoriasis sufferers. Can be used as a stand alone treatment or combined with other treatments listed.

Price: $80 when used alone or built into the price of existing services.


The Electro-Sonic Ionzyme DF Machine uniquely combines two powerful technologies in one. Through the use of electrical currents and sound waves we are able to transport vitamins and powerhouse formulations into the lower levels of the skin where they are needed most. The performance intellegence of this device allows me to customise and generate signifcantly improved vitality and wellness to all skin types, ages and conditions. The added benefit is that I’m able to do it FASTER than with just topical treatments alone. This technology will be incorporated into my bespoke treatments as required.